Quantum-enabled devices present a huge market opportunity for the UK. These technologies could transform a range of sectors including transport, healthcare, infrastructure, ICT, telecommunications and defence.
Specialist Areas
|Case Studies
|Case Studies
Built on a strong base of academic and industrial collaboration, the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme (UKNQTP) is accelerating the development, industrialisation and adoption of quantum science and technologies in application areas: which include sensing and metrology, computing and simulation, communication and imaging. As partners of the National Programme, Innovate UK Business Connect is supporting and connecting across the entire supply chain: from research to users, universities, industry, public funding bodies, policy makers, government, research centres, professional societies and networks.
The team at Innovate UK Business Connect are interested in your quantum projects and solutions in telecommunications, computing, sensing, imaging, artificial intelligence, energy, space, healthcare, finance, environment, navigation, defence and security, photonics and electronics. Our deep and broad links to other sectors gives us unique capability to expand the user base and connect supply chains.
Our teams are involved in a number of projects across different sectors: AI & Robotics, Electronics & Photonics, Defence & Security, Environment, Space, Healthcare, Materials, Transport, ICT and more recently, the Women In Innovation Programme. We are committed to take the lead on diversity in STEM and are particularly focused on supporting women in quantum.
We have also created the Quantum Landscape Map. This interactive tool is a collation of the UK’s quantum capabilities, active businesses, research groups and activities, training centres and publicly funded projects.
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Our current focus in this area
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