Immersive Media in India 2018

In May 2018, a group of leading industry experts from the UK immersive tech sector, flew to India on a six-day mission to gather market insights, understand business priorities, identify sustainable collaboration opportunities and align innovation policy.


Immersive Media in India 2018




Immersive Media

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Abstract from outcome report:

India has a highly developed entertainment industry and is among the world leaders in digital enterprise, with a highly skilled workforce and government support for start-ups. There is a high level of technical expertise across both larger corporations and early-stage start-ups. However, we are yet to see much evidence of Indian content or hardware being distributed internationally. India has recently seen a rapid expansion of smartphone penetration and mobile data capacity – driven in part by a price war – which provides a wider potential user base for the lower end of the Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality (VR/AR) market.

Given that we are on the threshold of a rapidly booming new industry it felt timely to assess the future prospects for collaborations between British and Indian enterprises and organisations. In 2018, a group of thirteen leading experts in the UK immersive industry visited Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Mumbai on an Innovate UK Immersive Media Expert Mission.

About Global Expert Missions

The Global Expert Missions (GEM) programme is funded by Innovate UK to support the Industrial Strategy’s ambition for the UK to be the international partner of choice for science and innovation. Led by Innovate UK KTN, GEMs play an important role in building strategic partnerships, providing deep insight into the opportunities for UK innovation and shaping future bilateral collaboration programmes.


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