D-PRIV for Safer Data
Data anonymisation software to help businesses protect confidential information
Market Need
60% of SMEs use a data-driven approach to boost their processes, drive strategies, and improve their financial performance. Keeping confidential information should be a top priority for these businesses and it’s more critical than ever that data meets GDPR requirements.
But data anonymisation services can be expensive, require a high level of skills and be difficult to deploy, making them inaccessible. Working in the digital health sector was the inspiration for project lead Dr Jie Li, who found issues with data anonymisation when developing patient monitoring software.
D-PRIV looks to address current challenges through a data anonymisation system which protects data and avoids the risk of compromising confidential information. It allows various sites to communicate with the central controller to help manage their privacy model without sharing any sensitive information.
The team have developed several privacy models to deal with different types of data including healthcare and digital medical imagery, addressing issues of cost, deployment and required skill level. For businesses who need to work with real data, this kind of anonymisation is vital.
Target Market
- Healthcare industry
- Research & academia
- SMEs using data-driven approaches
Status & Needs
- Ready to launch first alpha test model early 2023
- Seeking feedback from the digital health community
- Looking for investment and support (e.g. marketing)