18 AI ideas to change the world: unlocking AI's potential for high-growth sectors in the UK

Posted on: 20/09/2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the landscape of business, offering unparalleled opportunities to boost productivity and competitiveness. However, navigating this transformative technology can be a complex journey. Enter the Innovate UK BridgeAI programme.

Pioneering Responsible and Ethical AI Adoption

BridgeAI is on a mission to empower high-growth sectors within the UK, including agriculture, construction, creative industries, and transport. Our goal is to equip businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to harness AI responsibly and ethically, thereby driving productivity and unleashing their full potential.

Through the programme, we offer a unique blend of funding and support to support innovators in evaluating and implementing trusted AI solutions. We connect them with leading AI experts and provide opportunities to enhance their AI leadership skills.

Unveiling 18 Game-Changing AI Ideas

Innovate UK commissioned The PSC to spearhead a series of innovation workshops, gathering senior staff from each sector to delve into the real world challenges they face and brainstorm AI-powered solutions to boost productivity.

To ensure the feasibility and novelty of these ideas, we collaborated with a panel of AI experts. Their insights helped refine the concepts and ensured they didn’t already have readily available off-the-shelf solutions.

We conducted further in-depth analysis, including a comprehensive survey of sector decision makers, to gauge interest and assess market potential.

The result? An astonishing £9.2 billion of untapped opportunity across 18 AI concepts in four priority sectors.

Seize the Opportunity

But that’s not all. To turn these visionary ideas into reality, opening in September 2023, Innovate UK is investing up to £1.2 million for 12-month Collaborative R&D projects that develop AI and Machine Learning (ML) solutions targeting productivity in these four industries.

For those with shorter timelines, funding of up to £100,000 will be available for 6-month Single Entity projects focusing on AI and ML solutions.

Innovate UK is not only providing funding but also support with grant applications and connections to relevant sectors. These grants will support projects that address key challenges and opportunities in these sectors, bringing AI solutions to life.

Your Opportunity Awaits: Download the Full Report

This catalogue unveils these 18 game-changing ideas across agriculture, construction, creative industries, and transport. These sectors are ripe for AI innovation, and we’re excited to share these concepts with you.

As we reveal these 18 AI ideas, we invite you to join us in this transformative journey.

Download the report, explore the possibilities, and be part of a future powered by innovation, responsibility, and AI.

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BridgeAI: AI Solutions to improve productivity in key sectors

Opens: 27/09/2023   Closes: 08/11/2023

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11.00 - 12.30 | Online

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Empowering UK organisations to harness the power of AI through support and funding, bridging the AI divide for a more productive UK.


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