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£15 million call launched for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage innovation

£15 million call launched for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage innovation

A new call for innovative projects that lead to a significant reduction in the cost of capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide has been released.

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5 ways to get funding for your start-up

5 ways to get funding for your start-up

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£15 million call launched for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage innovation

£15 million call launched for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage innovation

A new call for innovative projects that lead to a significant reduction in the cost of capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide has been released.

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High-accuracy GPS systems user consultation

High-accuracy GPS systems user consultation

The General Lighthouse Authorities are conducting a survey to gauge current and future user requirements for their Differential GPS Service.

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Up to 200,000 euros of funding for SMEs developing robotic technologies

Up to 200,000 euros of funding for SMEs developing robotic technologies

Are you an SME developing robotic technologies? You could apply for funding of up to 200,000 euros to develop an innovative solution to challenges.

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Collaborative Alliance of Organisations Announced to Advance the UK’s Cyber Security Profession

Collaborative Alliance of Organisations Announced to Advance the UK’s Cyber Security Profession

A collaborative alliance to advance the development of the cyber security profession has been established.

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Diagnostic Evidence Workshops Announced

Diagnostic Evidence Workshops Announced

The NIHR Community Healthcare Medtech and In vitro Diagnostics Cooperative has organised a series of three workshops on Diagnostic Evidence.

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Funding for clean energy projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Funding for clean energy projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

A new competition has been launched to help countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia access secure, low-cost and low-carbon energy.

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KTN: Helping Manufacturers to Innovate and Innovators to Manufacture

KTN: Helping Manufacturers to Innovate and Innovators to Manufacture

Find out how the Knowledge Transfer Network’s manufacturing team is helping manufacturers innovate their processes and products.

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Bring a new perspective to your company's challenge with the AIMday Big Data, AI and the One Health Agenda

Bring a new perspective to your company's challenge with the AIMday Big Data, AI and the One Health Agenda

AIMday is a unique opportunity for academic scientists and organisations to make contacts and exchange knowledge.

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