Made Smarter - Innovation Network: Servitisation

This event will explore servitisation and how digital technologies and approaches can facilitate it, making exciting connections across the various communities, catalysing uptake – manufacturers, tech providers and servitisation experts.

Event Details


10.00 - 11.30



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Our series of Made Smarter | Innovation Network webinars – delivered as part of the ISCF Manufacturing Made Smarter programme –  showcases the journeys of manufacturers innovating with digital technologies to improve the performance of their business, alongside digital technology providers creating innovative solutions to aid the manufacturers journey.

Webinar recording is now available


You can register for one or more of the webinars based on your specific areas of interest.

Manufacturing Made Smarter (MMS) is one of the Government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programmes, investing £147m into creating a fully connected, dynamic manufacturing ecosystem inspiring innovation across academia, technology providers and manufacturers.

Servitisation is changing the way customers buy and businesses sell. Organisations want to shift from just selling products to offering services wrapped around those products. Transforming your product business from manufacturing and selling products to a mix between selling products and delivering service can drastically increase revenue and profit margins, drive higher customer loyalty, while providing a more stable source of income.

Digital Technologies such as sensors, IoT, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Augmented and Virtual Reality being adopted across factory floors is driving a commercial revolution as companies move to a servitisation model.

Our webinar will explore how manufacturers can utilise digital technology and technology integrators to apply the servitisation business model to their business. Koolmill Systems will tell us how they used digital technologies to servitisise their milling machines with the help of Siemens. EGG Lighting will share their insights on using the servitisation business model and finally, we have Aston Business School presenting the different types of servitisation.

Who should attend?

If you are a manufacturer aspiring to be more productive, efficient, competitive, resilient through the use of digital technologies, an integrator or a digital technology solution provider or developer who wants to reach a manufacturing audience, then this event series will be of interest to you.

Digital technology solution providers and developers engaged in the series will have early access to express their interest in taking a stand at Innovation Alley, within The Manufacturers inaugural exhibition Smart Factory Expo at Digital Manufacturing Week.


  • 10:10 | The Manufacturer – WE DID IT! – Koolmill Systems Ltd

Alec Anderson is the founder and MD of Koolmill, which has developed innovative rice milling machines. With its customer base in low-income countries, purchase of the machines is not feasible, hence the business has transitioned to a servitised approach, offering milling-as-a-service. Koolmill received an Innovate UK funding to create the world’s first Industry 4 rice mill with the help of Siemens. Alec will discuss the challenges associated with digitatision and servitisation within their industry.

  • 10:20 | The Tech Provider – WE MAKE IT POSSIBLE! – Siemens

Keith Thornhill is Head of Food and Beverage at Siemens. Siemens has been helping Koolmill to create a near real-time monitoring system, using digital twin technology and augmented reality, so it can proactively anticipate problems, including the need for repair or spare parts, rather than simply react to situations. Keith will outline challenges industry has and how the food industry will be increasingly utilising technologies to tackle those challenges.

  • 10:30 | The UK Tech Founder – WE’RE INNOVATING IT – EGG Lighting

Jen Griffith is a Product Designer at EGG Lighting, where she is helping design sustainable industrial lighting systems, exploring the synergies between servitisation, circular economy with digital as a key enabler. Jen will present how servitisation fits within the EGG ecosystem, how it impacts the business and the customers, and different levels of servitisation they offer.

  • 10:40 | The UK Manufacturing Supporter – WE’RE SUPPORTING IT – Aston Business School

Iain McKechnie is Director of Strategic Programmes at the Advanced Services Group, part of Aston Business School. Iain has worked with hundreds of manufacturers across different sectors to profit through advanced services. Iain will present different business models for servitisation and circular economy.

  • 10:50 | NETWORKING

As usual there will be networking at the end – an opportunity to find collaborative partners & inspiration, and to share what you do.

The webinar themes and dates include

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Made Smarter Innovation Network

From 2020 to 2025, Innovate UK Business Connect will be working on behalf of UKRI to join communities together to transform UK manufacturing. Join the Made Smarter Innovation Network and help us drive positive change.


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