Transforming Foundation Industries (Virtual) India 2022

In February 2022, Innovate UK and UKRI India, working in partnership with DIT and UKRI India, hosted and facilitated a virtual Transforming Foundation Industries (TFI) Global Expert Mission to better understand the FI landscape in India, compare and benchmark against UK capabilities and look for areas of future collaboration in innovation to more viably deliver the climate change and long-term sustainability commitments given by the respective governments in both countries faster.


Transforming Foundation Industries -TFI (Virtual) India 2022




Foundation Industries

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Abstract from outcome report:

Cross-sector meetings were held to discuss and explore where there was overlap and potential for cross-sector technology sharing and symbiosis to address shared challenges. This could include sharing transferable new technology plant and processing innovations, new energy, storage and supply chain requirements to reduce overall costs and accelerate development and implementation.

The cross-sector discussions focused on identifying possible collaboration areas with respect to infrastructure, recycling, turning waste into a by-product, reducing and recovering plant waste heat, using renewable and next-generation clean energy sources for existing plants, and greater use of digitisation technologies as part of Industry4.0 to improve plant efficiency and reduce materials usage and emissions. Alongside considering major collaboration project areas, mission delegates also identified areas where it could be beneficial to look at best practice sharing between the two countries at either single or cross-sector levels.

About Global Expert Missions

The Global Expert Missions (GEM) programme is funded by Innovate UK and designed to build international collaborations with governments, societies, enterprises, institutions, and people from every corner of the globe. With global challenges requiring international perspectives, the programme aims to support the UK government’s ambition to be the international partner of choice and a global hub for innovation by 2035.


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