Xuan Huy Nguyen

The 3D-printed gloves bringing virtual reality to all





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The 3D-printed gloves bringing virtual reality to all

When Xuan Huy Nguyen bought his first virtual reality (VR) headset, he was immediately hooked. He realised the technology would play a huge role in the future, but there were a number of barriers to mainstream use – the main one being price.

For advanced VR experiences, current market solutions cost around £5,000 and are primarily aimed at corporate customers. Xuan Huy set out to make them more accessible, starting with the production of VR gloves using do-it-yourself electronics and a 3D printer.

He plans to make the final product fully modular, meaning components can easily be added on or replaced. This should reduce the cost of repairs and maintenance.

The gloves will enable users to touch surroundings within a VR headset, operating collaboratively to create a multi-sensory experience. Xuan Huy already has two prototypes in the works – the first is being tested by friends and the second is in development, as he incorporates “force feedback” which mimics the real-life sense of touch.

“My plan is to launch a Kickstarter campaign in a year’s time to release the first consumer-ready version to the public. Then, over the next five years, I would love my project to become a household name for affordable, consumer VR-ready products, as I have a few more ideas in mind,” he says.



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