Exploring the potential of remote touch synchronisation within Extended Reality




North West (England)


Digital & Creative

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Exploring the potential of remote touch synchronisation within Extended Reality

Zecora Ura Theatre (ZU-UK) exists to harness the power of diverse, accessible and place-based arts to enable co-creation with underserved communities. This empowers individuals to make and experience “unforgettable culture” where they live and work.

ZU-UK uses a combination of game design, technology and audio-led performance to make its award-winning interactive work for public spaces. Each project engages a specific audience group, such as bed-bound audiences, diaspora communities or LGBTQIA+ youth. The projects take place in a wide variety of locations, from car parks to care homes.

The team plan to capitalise on a moment of exponential growth in the use of Extended Reality solutions to address mental health challenges. Winning the Innovate UK Inclusive Innovation Award will support their latest project titled, “Within Touching Distance”.

This project will enable further research into the field of loneliness and touch, which ZU-UK hopes will tackle social issues of loneliness and mental health challenges.

“There are significant challenges with mental health care services at scale, which digital mental health therapies could help address, such as: cost, wider reach of audience, gaps in training,” explains founder, Persis-Jadé Maravala.

“[That’s] why ZU-UK is keen to make the most of the rapid development of digital mental health therapies and potential solutions, which may bring positive mental health applications and outcomes for young and older adults.”


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