Tabletop Travel: immersive dining experiences to improve wellbeing and nutrition for older adults

Tabletop Travels aims to improve both the wellbeing and nutrition for older adults who are housebound or living in care settings. Tabletop Travels is an immersive dining experience focusing on diverse food cultures and places. It aims to both stimulate storytelling and widen the experiential possibilities for those with limited access to other cultures.


Catalyst R4

Lead Organisation

The University of Bristol


Managing Complaints of Ageing, Social Support Connections

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About the project

The project emerged from the Connecting Through Culture as We Age project, funded by the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, through a process of co-design with older adults. A prototype has been built which pairs a meal kit with food stories from India through a technology-enhanced meal box containing visual, audio, and tactile interactions. We aim to further develop the concept, iterate the prototype, and develop a scalable framework for delivery within existing care services.


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