Natural language processing-based knowledge base and chatbot for people with dementia and caregivers

Access to a fully comprehensive dementia knowledge base via an easy-to-use chatbot and voice-based conversations, to provide those living with dementia and their caregivers answers to their questions anytime, helping to manage the condition.


Covid Fast Response

Lead Organisation

Mantrah Ltd


South East (England)


Living well with Cognitive Impairment

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About the project

While the awareness of the challenges and complications of Dementias has vastly improved over the recent past yet the inherent complexities of the condition leave the person with dementia and their caregiver often struggling to get real-time answers to their questions when they need it, without needing an appointment to meet their healthcare professional or picking up the phone to talk to a helpline only available between 8am-5pm. Internet or Google searches produce a large amount of information that is not curated and needing the users to interpret the information on their own.

At Mantrah, we are building a digitally accessible and one of the most comprehensive Dementia knowledge bases with the richness and accuracy to address everything from common (mundane) to nuanced (and complicated) questions that people with dementia and their caregivers often have as they struggle to manage the condition. This knowledge base, accessed through an easy-to-use chatbot, will provide quality, curated and timely information – helping those with Dementia and their caregivers reduce stress and burden.

The solution will support voice-based conversations and integrated with Mantrah, our dementia care management application, will be able to provide highly personalised and contextual responses to user queries.

Our knowledge base and chatbot solution is unique in providing sophisticated yet easy to use tools for the elderly and their families. By empowering families with timely information costs of dementia care can be reduced. Healthcare professionals including caregivers can use the knowledge base and chatbot solution within their practice environment to support queries from their patients and families.


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