Inclusive Wayfinding Toolkit

A national wayfinding system for active travel (walking, cycling and wheeling) which addresses the needs and aspirations of the ageing marketplace. The project will deliver a prototype Inclusive Wayfinding Toolkit, aimed at supporting local authorities with an inclusively designed wayfinding product that meets the needs of local users.


Transport and Mobility Pathfinder

Lead Organisation

Applied Information Group UK Limited

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About the project

Applied Information, the global multidisciplinary wayfinding consultancy who worked with Transport for London to develop ‘Legible London’ – the international standard for city wayfinding – have secured support to develop a prototype for a new Inclusive Wayfinding Toolkit.

The Toolkit will propose an improved system of wayfinding for walking and cycling throughout the UK that specifically addresses the needs and aspirations of a diverse ageing marketplace. The Toolkit seeks to improve mobility, socialisation, and access to local services, while also generating connection, safety and confidence in the public who use it.

The team will work with local authorities to develop the prototype, which they’ll co-create and test with members of the public from a range of backgrounds, ages, genders, ethnicities, and disabilities, with an expected completion date of January of next year.


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