Innovative Soybean Supply Chains


GCRF AgriFood Africa Innovation Awards Round 6





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About the project

UK-registered Partner: Trade in Space Ltd – Alexandra McIntosh
Africa-registered Partner: FarmerLine – Worlali Senyo

Farmerline (FL) and Trade in Space (TIS) propose a feasibility assessment to explore product partnerships and combined services which could drive positive impacts on agrifood challenges relating to soybean production in Ghana.

Soybean is an important regional cash-crop and has been chosen as a target for our collaborative feasibility study for several reasons: Soybean is a high-protein, high-value crop which has the potential to provide food- and income- security for small holder farmers. As such, soybean is a strategically important crop in Ghana and throughout the world.

Soybean production has recently been associated with substantial deforestation (See Mighty Earth’s Soy Deforestation Tracker). Analysing the deforestation characteristics of Ghanian Soybean yields offers a chance to promote a positive regional narrative for export sales value in West Africa.


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