Innovative solar thermal for Moringa processing


GCRF AgriFood Africa Innovation Awards Round 3





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About the project

UK-registered Partner: Enso Trading Ltd – Trevor Rees
Africa-registered Partner: Eenovators Ltd – Chris Mbori

Post-harvest loss occurs when crops are spoiled or not properly processed before they reach a market. Ineffective drying restricts possibilities of value-addition and meeting standards for export markets.

World Food Programme estimates suggest that annual post-harvest losses of food in Sub-Saharan Africa amount to more than $4 billion. This situation is broadly reflected in Kenya, where the lack of reliable, affordable drying systems that use renewable energy to provide a controllable temperature results in large amounts of produce wasted or improperly processed and unable to secure premium price.

The project provides farmers and agricultural processors with an affordable, reliable technology to dry a range of produce using renewable solar thermal energy. By the end of the current project Greengold Moringa will have been equipped with a solar thermal drying system to dry increased quantities of Moringa leaf supplied by the 500 farmers they work with, 70% of whom are women.


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