Global Explorers Programme

Global Explorers is an Innovate UK programme designed to support individual UK SMEs to explore global R&D and innovation opportunities.

This programme is delivered by Innovate UK Business Growth.

Global Explorers is an Innovate UK programme designed to support individual UK SMEs to explore global R&D and innovation opportunities to accelerate the development of their innovative ideas, products and services and global market access. Open exclusively to Innovate UK Business Growth clients, all successful applicants will have access to grant funding for 70% of eligible costs up to £21,000 and work with a highly experienced Innovate UK Business Growth innovation and growth specialist.

Delivered by Innovate UK Business Growth, the programme aims to enable individual UK SMEs to:

  • Explore and further international R&D and innovation collaboration and partnerships
  • Engage effectively in collaborative research and innovation across borders
  • Explore global market opportunities
  • Increase understanding and experience of international opportunities
  • Accelerate innovative products and services

Programme eligibility

Standard Innovate UK eligibility requirements apply:

  • UK registered business
  • Business is trading and not a holding or dormant company
  • Business has fewer than 250 employees
  • The support to be provided will not exceed their rolling three-year Minimal Financial Assistance Allowance

Global Explorers will not fund any activities related to Russia or Belarus including procurement, commercial, business development or supply chain activity with any Russian and Belarusian entity, partner or subcontractor. This includes any goods or services originating from a Russian and Belarusian source.

There is more information on our programme flyer. To register your interest, please contact your Innovate UK Business Growth innovation and growth specialist (if already an existing client) or contact us.

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