Elevating creation: 4 AI powered ideas for enhancing productivity in the creative industries

Growing twice as fast as the rest of the UK economy over the previous decade, the creative industries have been recognised by the government as a key driver of economic growth and are an area in which the UK can establish itself as a world leader. To realise these ambitions, the creative industries require support to elevate their productivity, deploying AI- enabled tools to assist tasks and streamline processes.

Posted on: 16/10/2023

From the report

In collaboration with creatives, AI experts, thought leaders, and academics, we have identified four high-potential opportunities for productivity enhancement.

The use cases can revolutionise the sector, freeing creatives to focus on their craft whilst creating millions in value.

If you’re interested in supercharging the creative industries, these are some exiting areas you may want to explore…

  • The Challenge
    What innovators can offer

    The creative process often requires a lot of time-consuming back and forth between the creative and the client. Multiple rounds of revisions are typically needed to get things just right, with creative teams often producing several slight variations for clients to choose between. These repetitive tasks reduce the time available for creatives to deploy their creativity on a variety of projects.

    A solution that can swifty generate multiple options using the creative’s content as an input and adapt based upon client feedback. Freeing up time for creatives to focus on creating, rather than producing slight variations to offer choices to clients.

    What industry says:

    58% surveyed said this was likely or very likely to benefit the creative industries.

  • The Challenge
    What innovators can offer

    Individuals across the economy, from editors to security personnel, waste thousands of hours and millions of pounds manually reviewing videos in search of specific frames, items, and events. Existing solutions to expedite this process demand specialised data skills and aren’t readily accessible to the general public.

    A product that allows users to search for specific events in videos using natural language commands through a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to those with minimal technical expertise.

    What industry says:

    45% surveyed said this was likely or very likely to benefit the creative industries.

  • The Challenge
    What innovators can offer

    Gaining a deep understanding of audience thoughts and feelings about shows, films, and exhibitions has been a historic challenge for creators. Current analysis methods are both time-consuming and resource-intensive, hindering organisations from effectively customising their content to meet demand.

    A solution that combines real-time audience reaction analysis with advanced social listening to create easy-to-understand summaries of audience engagement and profiles, providing ideas for new marketable content.

    What industry says:

    Survey respondents’ number 1 ranked idea for impact.

  • The Challenge
    What innovators can offer

    IP theft represents a huge threat to the creative industries, undermining the profitability and reputation of both individuals and organisations. Tracking IP and identifying infringements is a challenging task for companies, and the costs associated with pursuing legal action can be prohibitive.

    A solution that tracks intellectual property across the web, promptly identifying infringements and dispatching initial legal communications.

    What industry says:

    81% surveyed said this was likely or very likely to benefit the creative industries.

What are the takeaways?

  1. AI as a partner, not a substitute: In the creative industries, perhaps more so than any other, AI can be treated with suspicion and even be seen as a potential threat. To gain acceptance, innovators must show that AI’s true strength lies in assisting, not replacing. Enhancing creative abilities and placing humans at the forefront of the creative process, whilst supercharging productivity.
  2. Embracing Creativity: AI can empower human creativity by simplifying tasks, automating repetitive processes, and assisting with refinement. When creatives are relieved from the mundane, they can fully devote themselves to what matters most—the creative process.
  3. Data is abundant: Valuable data for innovation in the creative industries is available within the public domain. With the data needed to train models, develop solutions, and level-up productivity easily accessible, the challenge is not data capture. Rather innovators must find ways to extract, categorise, and harness its potential to develop innovative solutions.

So, what’s your next move?

  1. Explore: Take a look at the report and visit the BridgeAI programme page to discover how the programme can benefit you.
  2. Innovate: Dive deep into the use cases we’ve outlined or create your own. Your innovation could be the one that changes the game!
  3. Apply for funding: Don’t hesitate; the opportunity is knocking. Apply for the latest BridgeAI competition to receive up to £1.2 million for your project and turn your AI idea into reality.
  4. Subscribe: Stay updated with BridgeAI to make sure you don’t miss out on future opportunities!
Winn Faria

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Winn Faria

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