Dr Luqman Hakim

Knowledge Transfer Manager – Industrial Technologies & Manufacturing

As a Knowledge Transfer Manager in the Materials and Manufacturing team, my role involves engaging with high-growth businesses to first understand their innovation needs. I can eventually direct them towards public and private finance, potential commercial and academic partners, and other opportunities to support their growth. My work remit covers all organisations irrespective of size and sector as long as the benefits go to the UK’s diverse manufacturing community.

In simple words, I help to matchmake businesses to potential partners and fundings in their journey to be more technologically and digitally-advanced. Currently, I have four projects in my portfolio. The list includes Innovation Alley, Driving the Electric Revolution, Analysis 4 Innovators, and the Made Smarter webinar series.

Prior to joining Innovate UK Business Connect, I had an international career journey with roles as a business marketer for a Malaysian specialty chemicals manufacturer and as a process technologist in a renowned energy/oil & gas company, Petronas. I also hold a PhD from Imperial College London with a specialty in functional materials development for environmental applications. Throughout these formative years, I developed a good understanding of the industry, startup and academia ecosystems.

Looking forward, I aim to bridge the industry-academia gap closer. I would achieve this by building my network from as many stakeholders as possible and across different sectors. Therefore, to all individuals, researchers, startups/SMEs and companies, please get in touch should you wish to see your ideas transform into practical solutions.


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