Turing Way Practitioners Hub – become an Expert in Residence

The Turing Way Practitioners Hub is inviting Expressions of Interest to join their second cohort of Experts in Residence

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About the Turing Way Practitioners Hub

The Turing Way Practitioners Hub, part of the Innovate UK BridgeAI programme, is a 16-24 week cohort-based programme for organisations and SMEs to help them understand industry best practices in the adoption of data science and AI.

It is inviting Expressions of Interest (EoI) from organisations and SMEs to join their second cohort of Experts in Residence (EiRs). With a focus on implementing best practices in data science and AI initiatives in their own organisations. Practitioners from various sectors will engage in this programme between September 2024 and February 2025.

EiRs will have the opportunity to engage with other domain experts, exchange knowledge and build a long-term strategy for scaling their efforts using industry best practices in data science and AI. They will be supported to implement open source, open data, cross-sector collaboration, research reproducibility and ethical approaches in their organisation’s workflow, enhancing the quality, viability and real-world impact of AI technologies through their work.

  • 1-2 members from each organisation are recognised as Experts in Residence in the Practitioners Hub.

    An EiR is

    • A project leader, manager or specialist, who holds responsibilities for decision-making and strategy formulation for advancing technology, skills and data practices in their organisations or companies.
    • An individual practitioner who understands the importance of open source, open data, reproducibility, ethics and collaborative approaches, serving as advocates and practitioners for best practices in their respective domains and sectors.
    • An active contributor to skill and process building through consultation, hands-on support, and engagement activities in their organisations, advancing their teams, networks and capacity to embrace best practices to maximise the impact of AI.
    • Someone who recognises the transferable and generalisable nature of data skills and wants to collaborate with practitioners from various sectors in the field of AI.
  • As Experts in Residence (EiRs), you will represent your organisation’s expertise and needs in adopting best practices in data science and AI projects. This programme offers opportunities to engage with fellow EiRs, develop a public facing case study sharing successful examples from your organisation and access customised training workshops, coaching and collaborations tailored to address challenges associated with your goals. You will also be assisted in incorporating systems-level, collaborative and community-minded approaches to developing long-term strategies for your team and projects.

    During your participation, you will have access to curated opportunities from the Turing’s research programmes and partnership network, which include events and collaborative projects; training and skill-building events; funding and fellowship calls; and research and communication outputs. All outcomes will be shared with the BridgeAI network, The Alan Turing Institute, and the wider UK AI and data science ecosystem.

  • Each EiR represents different sectors, including but not limited to, agriculture, creative industries, construction, transport and other organisations from the research, nonprofit and government sectors.

    You will be part of an expert forum for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the sharing of evidence-led best practices to facilitate the adoption of data science and AI. You will engage with the programme to learn and adopt open source, open data, reproducibility, effective collaboration, and ethical practices with fellow cohort members and professional coaches. Through planned activities, events and customised consulting and capacity-building processes, you will share and apply proven practices from different sectors, addressing challenges and opportunities encountered in your projects, company, or organisation.

  • Access to the Alan Turing Institute’s and The Turing Way’s resources, activities and collaborative opportunities curated for your organisation and network.

    • Supported participation in training workshops and expert consultation available through the Practitioners Hub.
    • Development of impact-based case studies capturing the success and challenges of adopting AI and best practices in their organisation, highlighting projects and members of their interests.
    • Customised pathways for capacity-building, community engagement and unskilled data science through expert-led consulting to strengthen the interdisciplinary collaboration required in your organisation.
    • Co-hosting a Book Dash (a hackathon-like event), workshops and/or panel discussion, to enable collaboration and knowledge sharing in The Turing Way platforms and book, featuring selected topics, projects and experts invited from their organisations
    • Consulting and support in organising training workshops with The Turing Way team to engage researchers from your organisation/network in data skills such as version control, programming skills, open source practices, computational reproducibility, Research Data Management and FAIR principles.
    • Participating in Community of Practice training to build skills and gain frameworks for identifying stakeholders and engagement pathways to help your community collaborate and achieve shared goals in data science.

If you or your organisation have any questions or is interested in joining future cohorts, please get in contact with us by email:

Malvika Sharan – Senior Researcher: msharan@turing.ac.uk
Alexandra Araujo Alvarez – Research Project Manager: aaraujo.alvarez@turing.ac.uk

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