Partner selection for future Launchpads

Local leadership can apply to partner with Innovate UK to design a future Launchpad. You must evidence a business innovation cluster suited to a Launchpad.

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Innovate UK

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Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is inviting local place leadership in any part of the UK to partner with us on the design of a future Launchpad programme of investment for a targeted business innovation cluster.

Each Launchpad investment will be delivered by Innovate UK.

For each Launchpad, Innovate UK will invest up to £7.5 million for business-led innovation projects and wrap-around support. This will be awarded through competitive opportunities tailored to the needs of the business innovation cluster. Those opportunities will run from 2023 onwards, subject to the approval of their business case.

Through this partner selection opportunity, we wish to identify business innovation clusters suitable for a Launchpad programme of investment.

We are looking for local leaders to work with Innovate UK on the design of those Launchpads.


The lead organisation for your project team must be the local leadership of the innovation cluster’s area.

You can be one or more of the following types of organisation:

  • a devolved administration
  • an enterprise agency
  • a mayoral combined authority
  • a local authority
  • a Local Enterprise Partnership
  • a pan-regional body

An eligible organisation can only lead on one application but can be included as a collaborator in any number of applications.


Innovate UK has announced the Launchpad programme to grow innovation activity in less mature business innovation clusters, in all parts of the UK.

The aim is to strengthen the business base of innovative SMEs with high-growth potential.

Your objectives must be to build business innovation capacity and activity, private investment in innovation and business growth in the targeted clusters.

We plan to select up to ten innovation clusters during 2022 to 2025 for Launchpad support, subject to the approval of their business case. This includes the two pilots already launched in 2022.

Your aim must be to design a Launchpad programme of investment with Innovate UK, that will support a targeted business innovation cluster in your area. Your proposal must be in the interests of the economy and society in your area.

Your design will need to include how you will tailor support to the needs of the busines innovation cluster and how it will complement existing local business support programmes.

If you wish to align an existing, complementary, local programme to the Launchpad programme, you can demonstrate this in your proposal

Your proposal must demonstrate:

  • evidence of at least one significant business innovation cluster that could benefit from the innovation investment
  • your representation of the local leadership in the area of the cluster
  • your commitment to provide support on the business case development for investing public funding into the cluster to enable business-led innovation projects
  • your ability to convene the influential stakeholders in your area, to gain their inputs into the design of the Launchpad programme
  • your ability to drive up awareness of the programme and ensure that local businesses submit high quality business led project applications into the future funding opportunities

Your proposal can also include information on:

  • additional or secondary innovation clusters in your area
  • your organisation’s strategies for location based cluster development, as distinct to sector or technology growth strategies
  • your area’s baseline economic, business infrastructure, innovation networks and relevant societal metrics, for instance skill levels in the population, as evidence for the potential for innovation and business growth
  • previous analyses or relevant reports, for instance a science and innovation audit (SIA) or similar study of the local ecosystem

Briefing event

An online briefing event will be held on Friday 14th October at noon.


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