Fisheries and Seafood Scheme August 2021

The £6.1 million Fisheries and Seafood Scheme will provide financial support (match funding) for projects in England that secure sustainable growth across the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and that protect and enhance the marine environment.

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£6.1m total funding available to match existing funding. Grants under the LBM scheme are capped at £150,000 per project; other grants are not capped but costs must be proportionate.



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The time-limited competitive rounds, which are being delivered by MMO on behalf of Defra under the £6.1 million Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS), will match fund projects that deliver sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and that conserve, enhance and support the recovery of the marine environment. They consist of:

  • Grants for projects that support businesses trading in Live Bivalve Molluscs (LBMs).
  • Grants for projects that contribute towards protecting the marine environment.
  • Grants for projects that deliver world class science and technological advancements.
  • Grants for projects that support or enhance the recreational sea fishing sector.

To be eligible for this scheme you must be one of the following:

  • An individual or business engaged within commercial/recreational sea fishing, aquaculture or processing
  • A public body/local authority in a local community that has a focus on fishing/aquaculture activities (including trust ports and local authority ports, and public bodies, using funds for environmental improvements/management of fisheries)
  • A university or research institute
  • A new entrant to the industry or unemployed individual that could benefit from knowledge/skills in fishing/aquaculture activities.

You will be required to declare if you have received funding from other Government financial support schemes and, if so, what for.

If you are a business, you will need to declare whether you fall into the category of micro-entities, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or larger enterprises.

Four funding streams are available, as follows:

Live Bivalve Molluscs (LBM)

This time-limited and competitive funding round is open to individuals or business engaged within commercial activities in the LBM sector.

Projects applying for financial support through this funding round must contribute towards one or more of the following:

  • strengthening the financial resilience of LBM businesses and long-term viability
  • supporting LBM businesses seeking to adapt to new trading conditions
  • enabling LBM businesses to have access to infrastructure (including depuration and other processing facilities) to enable domestic sales and exports.

This may include depuration or other processing facilities to support adaptation.

This funding round will have an individual grant cap of £150,000 per project.

Science and Technology Advancements

Delivering world class science and innovation is one of the seven strategic priorities of the FaSS. The target outcomes of this funding round include:

  • Increasing innovative or technological advancements in the seafood sector
  • Developing new or substantially improved products and equipment
  • Developing new or substantially improved processes, techniques and behaviours
  • Increasing partnerships between the science communities and the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors.

This time-limited competitive funding round is available to individuals or business engaged in commercial fishing, aquaculture or seafood processing; public bodies and local authorities that focus on fishing and aquaculture activities, universities, research institutes and NGOs.

Projects receiving financial support through this funding round must contribute towards one or more of the outcomes set out above. Eligible activities include conservation management, protecting/enhancing marine habitats, and supporting carbon net zero.

Protecting the Marine Environment

Protecting the marine environment is one of the strategic priorities of the FaSS. Applications for this time-limited competitive funding round must contribute towards the following target outcomes:

  • improving the management of the marine environment, including through the design and implementation of conservation measures, improved environmental monitoring, innovation linked to conservation and techniques and/or equipment to protect the marine environment.
  • protecting and enhancing marine habitats and species, and the restoration of marine habitats, thereby contributing to Good Environmental Status as required by the UK Marine Strategy and the Fisheries Act 2020
  • supporting climate change adaptation, resilience and mitigation, contributing to net zero by 2050.

This may include supporting innovative and technological advances and the development of new products and processes.

Recreational Sea Fishing

This round will fund projects that support or enhance the sector. This includes improvements to infrastructure, programmes that contribute to environmental and fish stock sustainability (such as innovations in new gear or technology, provision of professional advice, fisheries management plans or pilot studies) and educational or promotional campaigns.

This time-limited competitive funding round is available to businesses and organisations based in England engaged with recreational sea fishing, public bodies and local authorities that focus on fishing and aquaculture activities, universities, research institutes and NGOs. Individual anglers are not eligible.


All four of these funding streams close on 6th October 2021.


The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme remains open for eligible projects outside of these funding rounds. The fund focuses on projects that help businesses adapt to life outside the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy and recover from the impacts of Covid-19.

It is also funding a wide range of projects from providing professional advice to local businesses and encouraging local sales, to making fishing gear more selective of size and species and working conditions safer. In line with the Government’s commitment to tackle climate change across all sectors of the UK economy, the scheme will work with the seafood sector to reduce emissions and provide environmental improvements.

The scheme match funds projects that aim to:

  • Create new opportunities for businesses – such as exploring new local markets and support to sell a wider range of products
  • Support business to adapt to new markets and respond to new trading conditions
  • Support sustainability – with the potential to boost the traceability of the fish landed and promote environmentally-friendly processing methods
  • Protect the environment – with equipment that reduces the impact of fishing on the marine environment *Improve safety on fishing vessels and on shore – by supporting high standards of health, safety, hygiene, and working conditions across the seafood sector


For further information, contact Lucy Mather, KTN for Livestock and Aquaculture.


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