BIOREME Study Group: Applications of Mathematics in Respiratory Medicine

BIOREME invite respiratory medicine specialists to submit a challenge for mathematical modelling.

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5 days of dedicated research time on your research challenge, access to cutting-edge techniques and processes, develop long-term relationships with research mathematicians, and promote your company to academics and postgraduate students


Innovate UK KTN

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Applications of Mathematics in Respiratory Medicine: A Study Group in Data-Driven Biophysical Modelling

Where: University of Glasgow
When: 17 – 21 June 2024
Challenge submission deadline: 26 Jan 2024

Are you an Industry representative or Clinician working in the area of respiratory medicine? BIOREME invite you to submit your research challenge to be tackled by research scientists with expertise in mathematical modelling at our upcoming study group.

BIOREME is an EPSRC-funded network of researchers, industry and patient representatives at the interface of mathematical modelling and respiratory medicine. Find out more at or e-mail

Benefits of taking part

• 5 days of dedicated research time on your research challenge
• Access to cutting-edge techniques and processes
• Develop long-term relationships with research mathematicians
• Promote your company to academics and postgraduate students

Next steps

Visit to find out more and submit a Challenge.
Email with any questions.

Co-organised by BIOREME Network+, SofTMech and Innovate UK KTN. Funded by EPSRC.


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