Trusted Open Models for Manufacturing, 11 June, Coventry

Posted on: 31/05/2019

A workshop presenting a typical HVM production line and exploring the issues associated with integration AI into the line

The Trusted and Open Models Institute (TOMI) is a group focused on the development of open and trusted/explainable models for the use in applications that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. TOMI is led by the Hartree Centre, GCHQ and Brunel University. Working with Warwick Manufacturing Group, the group has developed this workshop to target the need within the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) sector for reusable and open models.

As industry is driven toward the adoption of technology to aid greater automation and intelligence in production lines, the need for guidance in how to choose and implement these technologies has become acute. For the wider UK HVM a guided embrace of these technologies will enable industry to get optimal impact from this adoption of what is commonly referred to as Industry 4.0 technology.

From the government‚Äôs perspective, one of the Grand Challenges of the Industrial Strategy is to put the UK at the forefront of the CM and AI revolution. Thus, the development of infrastructure to expand capability within the CM and its concomitant AI sector is central to this. This is where TOMI fits in – to support the adoption of CM and AI technologies within industry to ensure both trust and transparency within these technologies.

Motivated by this growth in technology which applies AI within the HVM sector in the context of Industry 4.0, the speakers will discuss best practice and future research, taking a Computational Models (CM) perspective.

To book a place at the workshop and find out more, click here.

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