Speakers and Agenda revealed for the Geospatial Insights SIG event

Posted on: 04/11/2019

The first in a series of Geospatial Innovation Cycles where we bring geospatial insights within key industry verticals.


As part of the community building and cross collaboration goals of the Geospatial Insights Special Interest Group, the Maintenance of Infrastructure Assets using Geospatial Insights event, 21st Nov in Birmingham, is bringing together experts from across a range of sectors. The focus is on future proofing infrastructure and the challenges and opportunities this holds.


The day will open with David Edgeton, Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology at King’s College London, delivering the first keynote speech with an introduction to the culture and value of maintenance. The first-panel session follows on, exploring the challenges faced by asset managers in making decisions about maintenance. In the second panel, technology companies will try to tackle some of the issues raised by showcasing how geospatial insights can support decision making. The second keynote address of the day will be delivered by Paula Claytonsmith, Managing Director at Gaist, who will provide an insightful perspective on the role of technology and innovation to support the UK’s digital transformation.


After lunch, we will hear from Geoff Zeiss, OGC, on the value of statistics to reduce accidents. Following this, the Geospatial Commission’s Holger Kessler will update the audience on the National Underground Asset Registry (NUAR) and a panel will discuss the challenges of mapping underground assets. In the last panel, we will explore how to build a digital UK by looking at digital twins, BIM and platform-based solutions.



09:00  Registration – coffee/tea

09:50¬† Welcome and introduction from the KTN – Luca Budello

10:00¬† Keynote 1: The Culture and Value of Maintenance in the UK – David Edgerton, Kings College

10:30  Panel Session 1: The Challenges of Maintaining Infrastructure Assets

Chair: Mike Moseley, KTN

Panellists: Richard Shires, Highways England

Asif Ghafoor, Managing Director, Amey Investments

Mark Enzer, Mott MacDonald

Kristen MacAskill, University of Cambridge

Sophie Stouki, Head of GIS, Costain

11:20  Coffee break

11:40  Panel Session 2: The Role of Geospatial Insights to Support Decision Making

Chair: Gemma Ball, Satellite Applications Catapult

Panellists: Andrew Iwanoczko , Telespazio VEGA UK

Richard Vilton, EMU Analytics

Brittany Harris, Qualis Flow

Adam Smith, Intrepid Minds

12:30¬† Keynote 2: Geospatial Insights to Support UK’s Digital Transformation – Paula Claytonsmith, Managing Director, Gaist

12:50  Lunch & 1:1 Networking Meetings

14:00¬† Keynote 3: The Value of Good Statistics to Reduce Accidents – Geoff Zeiss, OGC.

14.30¬† Project Update: National Underground Asset Register Pilots (NUAR) – Holger Kessler, Geospatial Commission

14:45  Panel Session 3: Buried pipes and cables. what have we learnt so far?

Chair: TBC

Panellists: Molly Strauss, Principal Policy Officer, GLA
Alex Self, Principal Civil Engineer, Atkins
Geoff Zeiss, Director, Open Geospatial Consortium

Simon Van Merkom, Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands
Heath Pritchard, Head of Major Projects, Geospatial Commission
Nicole Metje, Professor, University of Birmingham

15:30  Break: Coffee/Tea

15:45  Panel Session 4: Building a Digital UK

Chair: TBC

Panellists: Richard Baker, CEO, Geospock

Khalid Fakhar, CSO, Sensat

Mark Bell, 1Spatial

Simon Horsley, Bentley Systems

16:30¬† Final wrap up: Andy Bennett – KTN


Register today and see you there!


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