One year on for the Inclusive Transport Strategy

Posted on: 12/07/2019

The Inclusive Transport Strategy is one and has marked this by committing £20m to a range of accessibility improvements across the rail network

Disabled rail passengers across the UK are set to benefit from a raft of accessibility improvements with the opening of a £20 million government fund.

It marks a year since the launch of the Inclusive Transport Strategy, the government’s flagship accessibility programme.

The £20m fund will be open for applications from stations in need of accessibility improvements, leading to small-scale enhancements such as tactile paving, handrails and Harrington Humps, which increase platform heights. Taken together, these improvements will open up journeys for disabled passengers, allowing them to travel with confidence. The maximum funding for each project is £1m.

The work is all part of the government’s aspiration that by 2030 all major transport hubs and terminals on both public and private transport networks will meet the needs of disabled people, including toilet and changing facilities, straightforward signage, audio and visual messaging and space to navigate.

The deadline for all applications is 18 October 2019, and you can access more information here.

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