Multimodal Hubs: accelerating new solutions

On Wednesday 29 November Innovate UK KTN gathered in Milton Keynes, bringing together Local Authorities, Mobility operators and cutting-edge digital businesses discussing the future of Multimodal Hubs.

Posted on: 08/12/2023

The day began setting the stage for a series of sector specialist panel discussions. Topics ranged from business case viability for various types of mobility hubs to strategies for sustaining these hubs and ensuring their economic resilience.

The event facilitated a hands-on experience with Aurrigo’s autonomous shuttle bus service, underscoring the UK’s commitment to innovative transport solutions. Attendees engaged in speed networking, fostering new relationships that will drive new opportunities for the future of urban transport systems.

The event provided key takeaways, paving the way for actionable strategies in the development and communication of multimodal hubs, ensuring their sustainability and alignment with community needs.

Beth Morley, Future Transport Behaviour Change Lead at Transport for West Midlands and Mobility and Human Insights Manager at Cenex, shared:

Transport professionals should stop selling public and sustainable transport on the benefits of cars. These will never be able to compete with the vehicles on convenience, but on the advantages they offer, e.g. the freedom to work, read or relax whilst travelling, avoid congestion, or community building.

Likewise, Charles Nichols, Marketing Communications Manager at Solent Transport advised to deliver behaviour change campaigns when the recipient is in a “seasonal behaviour change moment”; for instance, at the start of the new calendar or academic year, or when undergoing a life change like moving house.

Feedback from participants reflected a strong appreciation for the day’s collaborative atmosphere and the insights gained. The event served as a catalyst for new thinking and partnerships, with a resounding agreement on the necessity for continued dialogue and cooperation to realise the full potential of mobility hubs.

With a focus on both economic and intangible benefits, the event has charted a course for transformative change in the transport sector.

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