Looking for Digital Economy Solutions
Do you have solutions for companies’ digital economy problems?
If you sign up for our Brighton event ‚ÄúInnovate UK in the South East of England: Driving regional strength through business support for national impact‚Äù on Wednesday 10th April, you will get the opportunity to help some of the region’s largest industrial players with their digital economy problems.
Companies have identified digital economy problems they are facing. They are asking you to propose some solutions.
Once you have signed up for the event, you will receive an email with instructions on how to take part in the ‘Digital Economy Solutions’ activity. You will have to submit your proposed solution in advance. The best solutions will get to meet with the company on the afternoon of the event. If your solution doesn’t get selected, you will still have the opportunity to book a one-to-one meeting with one of the companies presenting looking for solutions.