ISCF Driving the Electric Revolution: watch the competition briefing webinar

Posted on: 08/08/2019

The government has announced an £80m investment to help develop the next generation of electric vehicles. Watch the competition briefing webinar now.

Driving the Electric Revolution is an Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund competition that is part of the government’s investment to help develop the next generation of electric vehicles, investment which could also help develop new hybrid aircraft.


The Driving the Electric Revolution competition is now open across two strands, both of which will close on 25 September.  A share of £19m is available.


KTN has been running briefing events and the recording of the main competition briefing is now available to view (see below).


The government investment – through the modern Industrial Strategy – will help ensure the UK is able to supply products both in the UK and abroad, to help cut carbon emissions from a range of industries including transport, energy, agriculture and construction.


Development of these new technologies – known as Power Electronics, Electric Machines and Drives (PEMD) – will be led by industry and academia and supported by over 130 organisations, collectively offering global reserves of as much as £600 billion.

This collaboration will mean investment through four key strands to provide opportunities for industries in the UK to move away from fossil fuels, and new electric products. These four strands are:

  • Fast-start fill the gaps/proof of concept programmes ‚Äì a project that aims to fill identified gaps in the supply chain for PEMD
  • Industrialisation centres ‚Äì aiming for the UK to develop the next generation of PEMD products such as electric vehicles and hybrid aircraft, as well as providing a focal point for the business community
  • High efficiency, high volume supply chains ‚Äì investing in the UK‚Äôs capability to develop the necessary machining tools for new manufacturing techniques
  • Low volume, high value supply chains ‚Äì aiming to help just-in-time manufacturers to sustain long-term growth

A more detailed announcement release can be found here.


KTN has been running a series of briefing events to outline more about the opportunities available through this funding.  Simply click on the relevant link to book your place.

15 August – Glasgow

20 August – Newcastle upon Tyne

21 August – Silverstone


Click here for video

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