Horizon 2020 Batteries Information and Consortia Building Event: Presentations now available

Posted on: 14/11/2019

On the 7th of November, KTN and Innovate UK hosted a workshop on forthcoming Horizon 2020 Batteries related Calls: these are open until April 2020.

“Electric batteries are currently seen as important technological enablers to drive the transition towards a de-carbonised society, by integration of renewable and clean energy sources (such as wind energy and photovoltaics) in the electricity grid, and, in particular, by electrification of transport. Energy storage is the common denominator: it includes both electro-mobility and stationary applications despite the different constraints applying to each of these applications in real life.” Extract from H2020 Cross-Cutting Work Programme.


The workshop gave an overview of the forthcoming Horizon 2020 Battery related Calls representing a budget of around €337.5million. Horizon 2020 is the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme.


KTN hosted this event on behalf of Innovate UK and was delivered by Viola Hay, Knowledge Transfer Manager – European Programmes, KTN, Stephen Alexander, National Contact Point for Legal and Financial Issues, Innovate UK, Johan Blondelle, DG Research, European Commission, Anna Wise, Innovate UK, Thore Sekkenes, European Battery Alliance Programme Director, InnoEnergy, Ilka von Dalwigk, Policy Manager,¬†InnoEnergy, Sheena Hindocha, Knowledge Transfer Manager – Materials Chemistry, KTN, Helen Fairclough, Horizon 2020 NCP Energy, Innovate UK.


A big thank you to the Speakers and Organisers. If you would like to submit a pitch and didn’t get chance on the day, please use the template¬†here¬†and email it back to Natalie Withenshaw.


In summary, the event covered:

  • Gather information on forthcoming 2020 topics;
  • Hear from current UK and European Battery Initiatives;
  • Discuss and refine your project ideas with potential partners;
  • Join consortia forming around forthcoming 2020 topics.


The final programme agenda is here.

View and download the slides here.

View and download the project idea pitches here.


The following battery related Call Topics were included, all with a closing date of 21st April 2020:

LC-BAT-8-2020 (RIA)

LC-BAT-9-2020 (RIA)

LC-BAT-10-2020 (IA)

LC-BAT-11-2020 (RIA)

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