Exploring New opportunities for Catalysis
KTN is running a series of small workshops through Jan & Feb 2020 in London to explore the opportunities for catalysis in four specific areas.
Subject areas include the manufacturing and material functionality of textiles, carbon capture and utilisation, clean air and mixed polymer waste.
The aim of these workshops is to bring together companies along the value chain with people in the catalysis community to develop ideas for innovative approaches to industrial challenges.
As part of the day we will focus on current funding opportunities and further develop project ideas by utilising the KTN’s Innovation Canvas.
Who should attend?
This workshop will bring together academics, catalyst producers and manufactures relevant to the subject area.
After introductions and scene setting presentations the day will continue with each delegate being asked to provide a short 5 minute presentation introducing their organisation and challenges and (or) opportunities that they wish to discuss.
This will be followed by an open brainstorming session with members of the catalysis community to generate ideas for research and innovation development. Part of the day will also focus on current funding opportunities and further develop project ideas by utilising the KTN’s Innovation Canvas.
Please note, places for this event are limited and if the meeting is oversubscribed, places will be prioritised, and we may need to limit number of representatives from any one organisation.
New catalytic opportunities in Textiles - this event has been postponed, details of the rearranged event will be posted when available. Register for our Chemistry newsletter to get updates.
Catalytic processing of mixed polymer waste - Tuesday, 25 February, 10am-5pm
Catalysis in Clean Air - Thursday, 27 February, 10am-5pm