CyberASAP Demo Day Preview

Posted on: 15/02/2023

Meet the UK’s cyber innovators - from spinouts to fresh new talent - joining the £10 billion* UK Cyber Security market

Some of the best brains in cyber security are to be found in universities all around the UK. But the output of these talented individuals often stays in the lab – until now.

CyberASAP Demo Day (22nd February in London) is your chance to spot early market opportunities from the cyber innovators ready to commercialise their expert academic research.

Register for Demo Day here.


Meet the Cohort

The current CyberASAP cohort of fifteen academic teams will each be delivering 5 minute pitches, demonstrating their Proofs of Concept and looking to raise funds for the next stage in their commercialisation journey at this year’s Demo Day. They are:

CyGamBIT – Bournemouth University – Serious learning through play: keeping safe in an unsafe world

CASPER Shield – Cardiff University – Protecting you and your connected things to make living spaces more secure and safe

RS’OSA – De Montfort University – Security Automation for Digital Railway systems

Lasting Asset – Edinburgh Napier University – Digital Assets Custody for the Future Tokenized World

IoTrim – Imperial College London – Making Internet of Things Connections Private and Secure

PINCH – Lancaster University – Specialist cyber security B2B software and consultancy services for AI-enabled businesses.

Hackivity Cybersecurity Labs – Leeds Beckett University – Dynamic hacking experiences and cyber security education

ANTHEM – Loughborough University – AI-driven Attack graphs for threat modelling

GICAST – Open University – Transforming humans from being the weakest link to the strongest allies in cyber security

MOFHS – Oxford Brookes University – Multiple Ordered Fungible Handshakes (MOFHS) as a tool to improve security at API interfaces

D-RON – Queen’s University Belfast – Software as a Service (SaaS) for detecting rogue drones in a swarm

ATDPS – University of Sheffield – Security through Adaptivity for Network on Chips (NoCs) from zero-day Trojans

D-PRIV – Teesside University- A Data Anonym system for pervasive health

CLADDED – University of Warwick – Affordable solutions to secure electric vehicle charge points through advanced machine learning

ROS-PCon – University of West London – Attack Preventive Control for Robotics


Meet the Alumni

New for this year, Demo Day features a combination of the current CyberASAP cohort (above) plus spinout companies from previous years of the programme. Our Alumni Spinout Showcase features companies who have progressed along the commercialisation route and are now looking for further investment and/or business partners to realise the market potential of their cyber products/services/technologies:

ZORB – Secure hybrid working

FACT 360 – Uncovers information critical to your organisation or investigation

Lupovis – We detect what others miss

Cavero Quantum – A quantum secure SaaS solution for every communication

Riskocity – Easy to understand Cyber-Physical Risk Assessment, initially for the shipping sector

OSIRT Ltd – an all-in-one comprehensive toolkit for law enforcement officers to conduct online investigations

True Deploy – Making Software Secure

Come and meet the teams behind these startups to discuss potential collaboration and/or the investment opportunity of their offerings.

CEO of Lupovis, Xavier Bellekens, commented: “Demo days are integral for businesses looking to take their projects to the next level. They allow us to showcase our ideas and gain valuable feedback from seasoned professionals….”

Alumni of CyberASAP have between them raised just over £19 million in further investment, and include success stories such as cyber training disrupter, CAPSLOCK, OT security experts, Awen Collective, and quantum-safe crypto solutions provider, KETS Quantum.

27 companies have been formed as a result of the programme, spanning a diverse range of cyber security solutions, technologies and services.

Emma Fadlon, co-Director of CyberASAP, added: “We’re excited to include at this year’s Demo Day some of the companies formed since graduating from the programme. Both they, and the talented teams from this year’s cohort, will be sharing their go-to-market strategies and providing early stage investors with a chance to identify a wide range of opportunities in this high growth sector.”

Interested in attending? Find out more and register here.


About CyberASAP Demo Day, Wednesday 22nd February, London

> Alumni Spinout Showcase 12.30 – 2pm with light lunch and refreshments

> From 2pm: Current cohort pitches and PoC demonstrations

Register to attend here.


About CyberASAP

CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme) is the only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cyber ecosystem which provides expertise, knowledge and support to convert academic research into commercial products, technologies and services.

CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN.

*Source: UK Cyber Security Sectoral Analysis 2022 Research report for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

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