CyberASAP 2022/23 funding competition details released

Posted on: 19/01/2022


The only pre-seed accelerator programme in the UK’s cyber ecosystem, CyberASAP helps convert great academic research into great cyber innovations.

Details of the funding competition for CyberASAP 2022/23 have just been published by Innovate UK – you can see them here.

Since the programme began, 21 spinout companies have been formed by CyberASAP Alumni (read some case studies here) and more than £17m in further funding has been secured by them to progress their plans – either to spin out, licence or develop the commercial potential of their research via other routes.

Over the 11 month programme, academic teams work with Innovate UK KTN specialists Emma Fadlon and Robin Kennedy plus their network of industry experts: a series of bootcamps, workshops and training sessions provide the knowledge, skills and confidence academics need to translate their academic research into commercially viable cyber services and technologies.

  • 96% of participants would recommend the programme to other academics.

Diversity and inclusion are central priorities for all programme stakeholders* and we strongly encourage applications from under-represented groups. The programme structure has inclusivity and diversity at its heart and is designed to support and encourage the widest possible participation of academics from right across the UK.

Last year, the programme trialled a challenge-led approach, welcoming applications from PETRAS projects, part of UKRI’s programme focused on Security of Digital Technology at the Periphery (SDTaP). Once again this year, CyberASAP will welcome applications from SDTaP projects alongside those in the usual “open” competition.

What Academics say about CyberASAP

“This programme will take you from idea to reality”

Ellen Kay, Founder – Cybermind Technologies

“Taking part in [CyberASAP] has been fantastically valuable. Despite many years of managing R&D in industry, I learned a huge amount about marketing, selling and presenting to investors and clients. The speakers lined up for the excellent Bootcamp days were of top quality, and advice from venture capitalists invaluable”

Jeremy Watson CBE, Professor of Engineering Systems – UCL; Director & PI: PETRAS (SDTaP Research Centre)

“Joining CyberASAP gave us the funding and the time to develop a Proof of Concept – crucial to progressing any commercialisation ambitions”.

Ally Donaldson, Co-Founder – GraphicsFuzz (acquired by Google). Read his case study here.

So, if you’re an academic in cyber and have the basis of a commercial idea you’d like to develop, find out more about applying to join CyberASAP 2022/23.

The Competition Details

Full competition details are available from Innovate UK here. Key dates are as follows:

  • Funding competition opens on Monday 7th February 2022
  • Funding competition closes at 11am on Wednesday 2 March 2022
  • A webinar briefing about the competition is scheduled for 11.30am on Tuesday 8 February 2022. Sign up here so we can ensure you receive registration details.

Anyone wishing to support or receive updates about the programme should provide their details here to receive more information.

Meet this year’s teams at Demo Day – 17th February 2022

The final 10 teams from the current cohort are currently putting the finishing touches to their pitches and Proof of Concept demonstrators, ready to reveal them to an industry audience at the climax of the programme, Demo Day on Thursday 17 February 2022. Interested in joining us to get a feel for what these teams have achieved via the programme? More information and registration details are here.

*CyberASAP is funded by the UK Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN. Innovate UK manages and monitors grant funding to the universities; Innovate UK KTN delivers the programme.

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