Cyber Innovation Series 2021/22: Tensorcrypt

Posted on: 16/02/2022

Next in our Cyber Innovation Series is Tensorcrypt, an innovative software platform designed to empower organisations to securely share and analyse confidential datasets.

Tensorcrypt is one of the final 10 academic teams in the current CyberASAP cohort preparing their Pitches and Proofs of Concept for public viewing at Demo Day on 17 February.

See them all in action – register here for Demo Day.

About Tensorcrypt

Sharing data with key partners has never been more important for data-driven organisations. Yet, achieving this securely and efficiently remains a significant barrier.

Traditional solutions often have the risk of exposing sensitive data in the processing chain when used, stored or sent, which can result in breaches whether internally or via a third-party. This can lead to high-profile incidents for companies, putting sensitive information at risk.

Tensorcrypt uses groundbreaking confidential computing, a CPU-level security technology, to mitigate in-transit, at-rest, and in-use information exposure risks. It enables data scientists, analysts and engineers, to share and analyse data without it being exposed, while offering trackable data interactions.

Data is shared and analysed on-prem using hardened execution environments that resist software attacks, including malware, to unlock value in sensitive data and open
new data-driven business opportunities. Tensorcrypt is designed for high-throughput and low-latency, offering users simple API-level access.

The Tensorcrypt team

The team from Royal Holloway University is led by: 

  • Dr. Carlton Shepherd (Lead), Expert in Confidential Computing, Senior Research Fellow, Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London. Formerly: Samsung, Atom Bank, OneSpan
  • Prof. Konstantinos Markantonakis, Expert in Secure Execution Platforms Professor of Information Security, Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London 20+ years in academia and industry
  • Ms. Fay Kassibawi, Knowledge Exchange Manager, Research and Innovation, Royal Holloway, University of London. Proven commercialisation experience.

See them at Demo Day

Join us on Thursday 17 Feb 2022 and be the first to preview a range of highly promising cyber products and services from leading UK academic teams. Hear their pitches and assess their offerings in this unique showcase of ready-to-commercialise cyber innovations. Register here.

CyberASAP 2022/23

Funding for CyberASAP 2022/23 has just been confirmed for UK academic teams with a cyber security idea they would like to commercialise. The funding competition opens on Monday 7th February 2022 and closes at 11am on Wednesday 2nd March. Apply here.

About CyberASAP

CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme) is the only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cyber ecosystem which provides expertise, knowledge and support to convert academic research into commercial products and services.

CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture Media & Sport (DCMS) and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN.

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