Cyber Innovation Series 2021/22: Royal Imperial Black Box (RIBB)

Posted on: 15/02/2022

Next in our series previewing the teams and cyber innovations on show at CyberASAP Demo Day on 17 February, is Royal Imperial Black Box (RIBB) – a cyber-physical security offering targeted at Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security. 

See them all in action – register here for Demo Day.

About Royal Imperial Black Box (RIBB)

The Challenge: What happens when your cyber defences fail? While there are many firms providing ICS security assessment and defence there are few offerings to cover post-intrusion detection and system recovery; and many of the current offerings are generic (cyber-only).

The solution: The RIBB is a post-intrusion solution and works on the principle that cyber attack success is inevitable for cyber-physical systems. The RIBB aids in attack detection and recovery of measurement systems as a last line for detection and recovery.

The RIBB device will provide a 2-step, layered protection protocol targeted primarily at the
industrial control systems (ICS) security market. The RIBB team will focus specifically on enhancing SCADA system defences (comprising about 35% of this market). Within this, the team will initially target a power system offering and the revenue model is based on a combination of cost for the device and on-going subscription for software updates and services.

The Royal Imperial Black Box (RIBB) Team

The RIBB team combines expertise in power systems and cyber-security and is a collaboration between the Control and Power Group at Imperial College London and the Royal Holloway cyber-security team:

  • Fei Teng – Director/Founder: Lecturer in power systems at Imperial College. Fei is a power system SME and brings a specialist knowledge of inertia and power system cyber security.
  • Martin Higgins – Director/Founder: Martin recently finished his PhD in the field of deception attacks for power systems. Prior to his PhD Martin spent 5 years at JP Morgan in finance/operations.
  • Keith Mayes – Director/Founder: Professor of Cyber-Security at RHU Keith is an embedded systems expert with over 30 years of telecoms experience.

See them at Demo Day

Join us on Thursday 17 Feb 2022 and be the first to preview a range of highly promising cyber products and services from leading UK academic teams. Hear their pitches and assess their offerings in this unique showcase of ready-to-commercialise cyber innovations. Register here.

CyberASAP 2022/23

Funding for CyberASAP 2022/23 has just been confirmed for UK academic teams with a cyber security idea they would like to commercialise. The funding competition opens on Monday 7th February 2022 and closes at 11am on Wednesday 2nd March. Apply here.

About CyberASAP

CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme) is the only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cyber ecosystem which provides expertise, knowledge and support to convert academic research into commercial products and services.

CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture Media & Sport (DCMS) and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN.

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