Covid-19 regulatory and industry guidance
KTN has assembled a list of regulatory and industry guidance around Covid-19 for companies working in health and/or manufacturing health equipment. Last updated August 2020. This list is no longer being regularly updated.
If you are considering manufacturing a product that is new to your company, please also consult our round-up of product specifications (including UK government publications) and feel free to contact our Health and/or Manufacturing teams for advice.
Regulatory guidance
Regulatory approval for Coronavirus test kits (How manufacturers can submit test kits for approval to MHRA)
MHRA guidance on Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Exemptions from Devices regulations during the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak
MHRA regulatory flexibilities (including CE marking exemption) resulting from Covid-19
OPSS Guidance for new high volume manufacturers of Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment
Guidance on infection prevention and control for Covid-19
HSE Coronavirus (Covid-19): latest information and advice
BSI ventilator standards listing (accessible free of charge)
PPE regulations – legislative guidance for businesses
Institute for Food Science and Technology (IFST) knowledge hub