Briefing dates announced for £10m manufacturing and materials readiness Innovation Loans competition

Posted on: 20/02/2018

£10m manufacturing and materials readiness innovation loans competition

Register for innovation loans competition briefing events

Innovate UK and the Knowledge Transfer Network have announced the details of briefing events across the UK for Innovate UK’s innovation loans competition for manufacturing and materials readiness projects, which will open for applications on 26th February.

Innovation loans competition briefing events

The launch event, with a live and recorded webinar. will be at BMA House in London on 6th March. Register here.

Register below for any of the briefing events which will be held in:

Manufacturing Technology Centre,Coventry                             5 March

Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, Rotherham          8 March

National Biologics Manufacturing Centre, Darlington             9 March

Strathclyde Innovation Centre                                                     14 March

Sci-Tech, Daresbury                                                                       15 March

The Engine Shed, Bristol                                                               16 March

NIACE Centre, Belfast                                                                    22 March

Innovation loans at other events

In addition to these briefing events, there will be presentations about innovation loans at several other events from Innovate UK and the Knowledge Transfer Network in the coming weeks:

Innovation South Showcase, Farnborough                            27 March

Manufacturing and materials readiness innovation loans

Innovate UK is to offer up to £10 million in loans to SMEs for innovative manufacturing or materials projects.  The aim of this competition is to provide loans to help SMEs increase manufacturing readiness. Innovation loans will offer affordable, patient, flexible, repayable funding for later-stage research & development projects with a clear route to commercial success.  More information can be found here. The competition scope will cover innovations in:

  • manufacturing systems, technologies or processes, and/or
  • materials development, properties, integration or reuse.

Proposals should focus on the scale-up of recent or ongoing manufacturing process innovation and/or materials development activities. The project’s aim should be to enable UK based companies to progress innovative manufacturing or materials developments to commercial readiness.

The deadline for registration for the competition is 25 April and the application deadline is noon on 2 May 2018. Full competition details are available here.

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