An Introduction to 'From Data to Early Diagnosis & Precision Medicine'
Listen to KTN’s Head of Health explains the ISCF Wave 2 Theme, From Data to Early Diagnosis & Precision Medicine.
Listen below to Knowledge Transfer Network’s Head of Health, Terry O’Neill, introduce one of the Wave 2 Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Themes, From Data to Early Diagnosis & Precision Medicine, while at a Mathematical Sciences event in Edinburgh:
Introduction to ISCF Wave 2 Theme: Early Diagnosis & Precision Medicine – Video
Up to ¬£210 million is being made available to industry and researchers through this challenge to improve how we use data to support earlier diagnosis and the development of precision medicine. Part of the Ageing Society Grand Challenge, this challenge is concerned with identifying diseases and conditions at an early enough stage to prevent them from developing into more serious conditions and managing the diseases to improve the patient’s quality of life. Through an improved understanding of disease, the best treatment can be selected for a patient first time once diagnosed.
The funding is through three sub-themes:
- Whole genome sequencing to enable research: funding the genome sequencing of all 500,000 UK BioBank volunteers to improve our understanding of disease processes.
- Innovating through data funding: supporting companies to leverage data to develop novel diagnostics and therapies and maximise its value. This will result in HDRUK sponsoring 3-5 Digital Innovation Hubs.
- Centres of excellence: announced in November 2018, these new regional centres of excellence will be created to use digital technologies to advance analysis of tissue biopsies from patients, make better use of artificial intelligence, support the development of diagnostic tools. This includes: London Medical Imaging & Artificial Intelligence Centre for Value-Based Healthcare; I-CAIRD (Industrial Centre for AI Research in Digital Diagnostics, Glasgow); NCIMI (National Consortium of Intelligent Medical Imaging, Oxford); Northern Pathology Imaging Collaborative (NPIC, Leeds); and the Pathology image data Lake for Analytics, Knowledge and Education (PathLAKE).
You can read about all the latest funding which is relevant to the health sector in our funding round-up by clicking here.