£170m Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge - Webinar recording and slides now available
Webinar and Q&As from the KTN briefing webinars now available.
As part of the UK’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, the Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge (IDC) programme aims to accelerate the cost-effective decarbonisation of industry by developing and deploying low-carbon technologies. It aims to enable the deployment of infrastructure at scale by the mid-2020s.
It will support delivery of the Clean Growth Grand Challenge and the Industrial Clusters Mission, which has set an ambitious target to establish at least one low-carbon industrial cluster by 2030 and the world’s first net-zero carbon industrial cluster by 2040. The Mission, and this challenge, will help to place the UK at the forefront of the global shift to Clean Growth, by driving the technologies, services and markets to produce low carbon industrial products.
KTN has run briefing webinars to promote two new competitions associated with the IDC programme.
Competition strand 1. Deployment of a low carbon industrial cluster
Competition strand 2. Roadmap development for a low carbon industrial cluster
Details of the competitions are on the government’s Innovation Funding Website here.
You can watch a recording from the first webinar by clicking the video link below.  You can view and download the slides here.
KTN has put together a summary of the questions asked during the webinar briefings and the answers provided at those briefings by UKRI (for guidance only): it can be downloaded here.