Women in Innovation: Time Domination Experience Workshop by Dr Hannah Roberts

The Time Domination Experience Workshop delivered by Dr Hannah Roberts as part of the Women in Innovation community, is a 60-minute session, to discover the five-pillar system to time domination, increase your energy and effectiveness and take yourself to the next level in your life and career.

Event Details


10.00 - 11.00



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2020-2021 have been some of the most stressful years we’ve ever experienced.

Facing massive uncertainty and sudden change. Worrying about our loved ones. Not being able to connect with people in person and back-to-back meetings staring at screens for hours on end. It takes its toll.

We can’t change the complexity of the world around us. But we can ensure we are working on the things of highest importance and balancing our own time and the people that mean most to us. One thing is clear; the stress, change and uncertainty isn’t going away anytime soon. A breakthrough in effectiveness is paramount.

Some of us have already had the wake-up call, others have not. Regardless, it’s time to press the reset button and develop atomic habits that really work.

During this 60-minute session, discover the five-pillar system to time domination.

✔️ Prioritise three shifts to increasing your energy and effectiveness.

✔️ Uncover the biggest mistake that most of us make in the interest of time management and how to avoid it.

✔️ Create your personalised plan for immediate transformation and uncover steps to create huge momentum and take yourself to the next level in your life and career.

✔️ Master the ability to prioritise and focus your workload utilising high performance habits so that you can achieve more in less time.

✔️ Discover your keel zone and harness when you are at your most productive and gain control over your workload through consistency of action.

Leave feeling reactivated ready to reset your habits within 28 days. You’ll leave with all the systems and methodology to take your performance to elite levels.
There are limited places at this workshop, please express your interest by completing the form, and we shall be in touch if you are successful.

Delivered by...

Dr Hannah Roberts

Hannah is a career coach and professional skills trainer. During her extensive academic and industrial career, she took research from concept to start-up.

Since 2018, she has been a qualified and regulated coach; trained in Talent Dynamics profiling. Specialising in team dynamics, career planning, online networking and social media skills, research planning and funding, commercialisation and management tools.

Hannah has a particular passion for diversity and inclusion and women’s leadership development.

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Women in Innovation

Women in Innovation

Enabling brilliant women across the UK to fully achieve their vision for their businesses and change the world, while championing and celebrating gender diversity throughout UK innovation.


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