Research Centre for Connected Factories

As part of the ‘Making Manufacturing Smarter Webinar Series’, in this webinar, businesses can learn more about what support is on offer at the SMDH Centre, the benefits it will have for their business, and the funding options that are available.

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12.00 - 12.00



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The Made Smarter Research Centre for Connected Factories proposes a radical new approach to building the manufacturing infrastructure of the future with the aim to provide UK industry with a blueprint for a unique connected network of future smart factories. It will show how manufacturing operations can become more resilient and able to respond to changes such as product demand or volume through research in system design, modelling, control and integration, as well as a set of application studies addressing emerging industrial needs.

The seminar focuses on describing the industrial application studies ranging from factory level digital design and integration to advanced control techniques for individual processes such as adaptive accurate machining and 3D printing. In it we describe the problems that such technologies and techniques are trying to solve; how they could be applied across multiple sectors, products and processes and how businesses can get involved throughout the programme.

This event is part of the Making Manufacturing Smarter Webinar Series

Made Smarter has an integrated approach across leadership, skills, innovation, and adoption. The Innovation Challenge focuses mostly on research and innovation across multiple sectors and how digital technologies such as AI, Robotics & Automation, Additive Manufacturing, AR/VR, IIoT, and Digital Twins can make the manufacturing supply chain processes more efficient and productive, whilst creating company growth.

The Made Smarter Research Centres and Innovation Hubs represent a key component in the UK’s approach to commercialise the emerging technologies and creating that national level growth element through creating early-stage, transformative innovative ideas, that cover both the technological and societal aspects. The centres and hubs target a specific area to drive that growth and collate engagement across the entire innovation landscape.

The webinars are a platform to come learn, ask questions, network, and form connections with people across industry, academia, and government.

Richard Foggie

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Richard Foggie

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