London Aging2.0 Book Club - In Conversation with Berit Lewis

Join us online on Monday 23 October 2023 for a conversation with Berit Lewis, author of ‘Ageing Upwards: A mindfulness-based framework for the longevity revolution’.

Event Details


20.00 - 21.15



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The book club will also be a chance for you to meet others with an interest in the world of ageing, with open networking until 9:15pm.

Ageing Upwards is invaluable to leaders who want to overcome unconscious beliefs, limitations and discriminations related to age to create more diverse organisations, exploring behaviours of older consumers.

Berit challenges the story we so often tell ourselves about ageing – that it’s all downhill from 50, when research reveals we are at our happiest aged 80!

Combining her extensive experience in teaching mindfulness with her knowledge of how to live and age well. Rather than wait for society to solve the challenges of longevity, she invites us to explore what each of us can do to take responsibility for our own life and ageing process.

To get a 25% discount for Berit’s book, book club participants can go to and enter the code: IUKKTN25

The Healthy Ageing Challenge CoP is delighted to be working in partnership with Julian Harcourt and Eric Kihlstrom and the London chapter of Aging2.0 for this event.


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