Innovative Research Call 2023 for Explosives and Weapons Detection Briefing Event

Event Details


09.30 - 15.30



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The new Innovative Research Call (IRC) 2023 for Explosives and Weapons Detection will be launched on the 11th July at Birmingham Conference & Events Centre . The £2.9 million IRC Competition aims to develop detection technologies and processes that provide innovative and reliable capability against a significant proportion of current explosives and weapons threats.

UK Government, our international allies, and security end-users across the private and public sector have a broad range of operational requirements. While there is already a range of excellent equipment and capable solutions commercially available and in service, there remains an enduring requirement to develop and enhance our capabilities – to stay ahead of the threat and keep pace with the rapid rate of change.

About the event

The in-person event will allow attendees to learn about the competition, eligibility criteria and our priorities. The day will also allow you to learn more about our broad range of operational requirements and this year’s topics of interest; screening of Buildings and Areas, Goods, People and/or their Possessions and Vehicles.

Ticket can be reserved here.

About the IRC 2023

The IRC 2023 is funded and supported by the Home Office – Homeland Security Group (HSG) and Border Force (BF), Department for Transport (DfT), National Protective Security Authority (NPSA), Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), the Metropolitan Police Service, Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate.

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Opens: 17/07/2023   Closes: 30/08/2023

DASA’s Innovative Research Call seeks proposals for innovative solutions to improve detection of explosives and weapons capability.

More Information

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