Transforming Foundation Industries - Horizon Europe Opportunities

Join us for an exciting in-person networking and information event to learn, connect and discuss the Horizon Europe collaborative research and innovation opportunities for energy intensive industries.

Event Details


10.00 - 15.00



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The transition to a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 is one of the most ambitious goals ever set by the EU, particularly for energy-intensive industries like the foundation industries. While significant strides have been made, many of the tools needed to achieve these targets are still under development. The Transforming Foundation Industries (TFI) Challenge has been at the forefront of this change, developing new technologies that are reshaping value chains and creating new opportunities.

With a €280 million Horizon Europe funding call expected to open in 2025 for energy-intensive industries, preparing now is more important than ever. The TFI Horizon Europe Insight Day is an exclusive, closed-door event designed to equip you with the knowledge, connections, and strategies you need to successfully navigate this complex funding landscape.

Outline agenda

  • An overview of the draft Foundation Industry related topics for upcoming Horizon Europe calls in 2025
  • Guidance from National Contact Points and Innovate UK Business Connect colleagues on crafting successful proposals.
  • A dedicated networking wall / sharing of one-pagers to connect with partners
  • Presentations from experienced professionals who have successfully navigated the EU funding landscape.
  • Lunch and refreshments
  • Tour of the MTC facilities

Who is this event for?

This event is aimed at all innovators, researchers and entrepreneurs working in energy intensive industries such as the foundation industries, looking to elevate their projects with Horizon Europe funding and collaborative opportunities.

*Foundation industries: glass, metals, paper, chemicals, ceramics, cement.

‘Orientations’ for the 2025 Work Programme

While the final scope is yet to be confirmed by the European Commission, the following key points published as ‘Orientations’ for the 2025 Work Programme represent potential areas of interest that stakeholders can expect to explore during the event.
  • Electrification of Industrial Processes:

    • Development and demonstration of new electrically driven industrial processes.
    • Aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing emissions by an additional 25%.
    • Contribution to Europe’s 2040 and 2050 greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets.

    Green and Resilient Production:

    • Adaptation of production processes to fluctuating renewable energy sources.
    • Focus on achieving productivity gains while maintaining energy efficiency.
    • Enhancement of production flexibility to contribute to EU Climate 2040 targets.

    Integration of Renewable Energy Carriers:

    • Integration of diverse renewable energy sources (e.g., electricity, hydrogen, solar heat) into industrial sites.
    • Aiming to save up to 55% in primary energy and improve grid operational flexibility.
    • Utilisation of advanced digital technologies for safe and efficient operations.

    Upcycling Technologies:

    • Increase in the use of secondary resources from 12% to 25%, enhancing resource and energy efficiency.
    • Significant reduction in raw material demand and industrial GHG emissions.
    • Promotion of new business opportunities, particularly for SMEs, in the recycling sector.

    Pollution Abatement:

    • Development of novel processing technologies to reduce health, safety, and environmental impacts.
    • Focus on reducing harmful substances in production processes and products.
    • Implementation of monitoring methods to track and mitigate pollutants.

    Innovation in Steelmaking:

    • Acceleration of hydrogen-based and electric steelmaking processes to achieve carbon neutrality.
    • Application of digital technologies and AI to enhance process understanding and efficiency.
    • Advancement towards the Industry 5.0 paradigm, emphasising human-centric, sustainable production.

    Deployment of Low-Carbon Technologies:

    • Promotion of synergies among EU, national, and regional initiatives for decarbonisation.
    • Facilitation of green product markets and investment schemes to support low-carbon technologies.
    • Integration of non-technological aspects, such as workforce empowerment and sustainable management, into industrial transformation narratives.
    • Development of safer, sustainable alternatives to harmful chemicals like PFAS.
    • Enhancement of life-cycle assessment tools and methodologies, particularly for SMEs.
    • Support for the implementation of EU sustainability regulations through scientific evidence.

    The above points are based on drafted expected outcomes and are subject to change following the finalisation of the Horizon Europe programme by the European Commission.

Related programme

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is an opportunity for all types of UK organisations (including businesses and academia) to get funding for research and innovation.


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