Future Technology Deep Dive – Telecommunications

Join us online for a webinar to learn more about future telecommunications technology from industry experts and academic speakers.

Event Details


10.00 - 12.00



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Throughout 2024 Innovate UK’s Horizon Scanning team is running a series of future-looking, online sessions on various sub-topics and technologies related to the UK’s critical technologies and beyond.

This deeper dive, technology focused event, brings together expert industry and academic speakers to give their views over a medium-long term (15-20 year) timeframe.

About the event

In this Deep Dive, we would like to take as wide an interpretation as possible for telecommunications. How people and machines communicate is fundamental to future technology of all sorts, meaning the convergence of telecommunications with other technologies can achieve maximum impact.

Telecommunications, including brain-computer interfaces, could revolutionise communication in an immersive virtual world, enabling real-time interactions with our digital twin agents and avatars.

Expert guest speakers will pull insights together into a future view of the topic. Delegates are then invited to join facilitated breakout groups to comment on their views, hopes, concerns and expectations, given background and experience.

Following the event a summary of the discussions and debate are provided to delegates. For Innovate UK and its partners across UKRI and Government we use the outputs to inform strategy and other areas of our activity. There is also the possibility of a challenge associated with communication through space if we become a multi-planet dwelling species, meaning that future of telecoms may lie beyond simply the next generation cellular network.

Join Innovate UK on 6 Aug to be part of this exciting deep dive.


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