Innovation Exchange challenge: Replacing large air systems with localised drive systems

Toyota would like to get a view of electric driven replacements for their air driven equipment; this may include cylinders, actuators, and other pressure equipment.

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As Toyota move towards a low carbon to net zero approach in their manufacturing as well as in their products, there are opportunities for potential cost reductions. The plant has a significant amount of air actuated equipment, but factory air systems are known to have problems with leaks and wasteful amounts of energy in its conversion process to mechanical movements. Toyota would like to get a view of electric driven replacements for their air driven equipment; this may include cylinders, actuators, and other pressure equipment. This may include electric drives or localised air delivery systems not connected to the main ring. As part of this move towards net zero, the company has already purchased furnaces that are not connected to large overhead air systems.

Factory wide compressed air systems are high energy systems which have already been worked on to reduce leaks and reduce pressure to the lowest tolerable level for the machinery to be able to function. Toyota are now looking for alternatives to compressed air equipment on their machines, with the hope of installing electrical drive/supply units that can function with the machine in the correct manner.

By removing and replacing these cylinders from the production machinery, the energy usage should drop, as air is constantly pressured whereas electric actuators will only energise for the short period they are needed, thus giving an energy saving. The removal of the pipework, which can have many small leaks, will also add to the energy savings within manufacturing.

For further technical details and solution requirements, please visit the Innovation Exchange site at the link below.

Successful applicants will be given an opportunity to pitch to Toyota. The package may also include:

  • Support from Innovate UK KTN.
  • Support in the development of a prototype or pilot.
  • Technical support.
  • Invitation to attend or present at Innovate UK KTN events.
  • A potential business collaboration.
  • Investor introductions (if investment is required).
  • Support if any Innovate UK or similar competitions are relevant
  • Networking to other solution providers and users of Power Electronics Machines and Drives via the Driving the Electric Revolution challenge.

Entrants to this competition are expected to be established businesses, test houses, academic institutions, startups, SMEs or individual entrepreneurs , who are UK based or have the intention to set up a UK base.


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