Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture - CR&D Competition Launch

Watch our competition briefing, Q&A session and networking event for the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture CR&D Competition. Recorded 7th March 2023.

Event Details


10.00 - 13.00



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About the event

This dedicated briefing webinar for  the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture CR&D competition will address general questions around the competition scope and individual project queries will not be covered. If you do have specific project queries, contact details will be shared.

There will also be the opportunity to pitch and network to find partners for your project. To aid those processes you will receive a link after registration to submit your networking slide.  Please make sure you make most of this opportunity and provide the necessary details.

Who is the event for?

This competition is open to academics, SMEs, RTOs and businesses and are all encouraged to attend.

If you are innovating in one of the areas mentioned in the competition details below and would like to find out more about the CR&D competition, then please join this webinar where you will also have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any support that can be provided by Innovate UK KTN regarding your application.

About the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture CR&D competition

UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £12 million for projects under the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture programme. This funding is from Innovate UK, BBSRC and EPSRC jointly. The aim of this competition is to develop the design and delivery of new and disruptive sustainable biomanufacturing by 2050. Enabling the UK to be more globally competitive by supporting Collaborative Research & Development (CR&D) across different industries and sectors.

Scope (subject to change), eligibility and details of the CR&D funding call will be outlined in the webinar.

Key information:

CR&D funding call opens 7th March 2023 for 8 weeks (closing date: 3 May 2023)

In scope:

Projects must address the challenge of developing innovations in sustainable biomanufacturing processes as underpinned by biotechnology in displacing fossil-derived products and may include:

  • Increasing the use of bio-based feedstocks
  • Using biotechnology for alternative bio-based chemical replacements including low carbon polymers and, liquid and gaseous fuels (*except sustainable aviation fuel) for transport, heating and renewable energy
  • Enhancing the sustainability profile of biotechnology processes
  • Innovative use and re-use of renewable feedstocks
  • Biotechnology-based manufacture processes for sustainable and circular products with whole systems approach (consideration of broader life cycle thinking)

Out of scope:

  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Microbiomes towards human health therapeutics
  • Sustainable aviation fuels
  • Alternative protein sources (food and beverage)
  • Artificial intelligence (unless it is directly tethered to a Biotechnology based process and (or) product)

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome and Introduction (5 min) – Raj Mistry (Innovate UK KTN)
10:05 – 10:25 Overview of the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture: Collaborative R&D (CR&D) Competition (20 mins) – Paul Bello (Innovate UK); Rebecca Cheesbrough (EPSRC) & Rachel Harris (BBSRC)
10:25 – 10:45 Competition Process (20 min) – Paul Bello (Innovate UK)
10:45 – 11:15 Panel Q&A (30 min)
11:15 – 12:15 Quick fire Pitches (2 min each back -to-back)*
12:15 – 12:20 Innovation Networks & Poll (5 min) – Michael Burnett (Innovate UK KTN)
12:20 – 12:25 Intro to AirMeet (5 min) – Raj Mistry (Innovate UK KTN)
12:25 – 13:00 Networking via. AirMeet
13:00 Close (Please note, networking may continue after the event is officially closed. AirMeet will remain open until 15:00 with fewer Innovate UK personnel available to answer any competition specific questions).

Related Opportunities

Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture: CR&D

Opens: 07/03/2023   Closes: 03/05/2023

UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £12 million for collaborative research and development. This is to develop step-change improvements to sustainable biomanufacturing in the UK.

More Information

Related programme

Sustainable bio-based Materials and Manufacture (SusBioMM)

Sustainable bio-based Materials and Manufacture (SusBioMM)

The sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture (SusBioMM) programme seeks to address the challenge of developing innovations in sustainable and scalable biomanufacturing processes.


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