Circular Economy Innovation Network (CEIN) - Aluminium Consultation Roundtables

Event Details


13.30 - 16.30



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The UK aluminium sector and associated industries have a pivotal role in achieving net zero through a circular economy and,  as we look towards building global resilience and competitiveness, we must find ways of establishing UK manufacturing supply chains that produce products and services with a lower negative impact on our natural environment.

The purpose of this online session is to hear the voice of the aluminium community, to provide an opportunity to identify the barriers to progress, to highlight opportunities for positive change, and build a framework for an Circular Innovation Action Plan for Aluminium that could accelerate innovation for the realisation of Net Zero ambitions.

This online workshop will bring together business leaders,  innovators, academics, NGOs, and industrialists from across the value chain in order to scope actions and identify community challenges with possible solutions and interventions for positive change.

Why attend this workshop?

  • Influence the focus areas of the Circular Economy Innovation Network for Aluminium
  • Shape the Circular Innovation Action Plan for Aluminium
  • Build connections with stakeholders across the value chain

What to expect?

  • Overview of why the Circular Economy offers opportunities for the Aluminium Industry
  • Interactive session to share your views on the barriers, challenges and opportunities that will accelerate innovation in this important area.


  • Welcome & KTN Overview
  • Speaker – The Circularity Opportunity for Aluminium
  • Speaker – Aluminium Case Study
  • Roundtable 1: UK Aluminium Value Chain Priorities Opportunities Barriers
  • Roundtable 2: Technology, Funding & Finance
  • Roundtable 3: Standards, Regulation & Policy
  • Wrap up and Close

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Circular Economy Innovation Network

Circular Economy Innovation Network

The Circular Economy Innovation Network aimed to enable stronger, more resilient industries working together, connecting, collaborating, and sharing experiences to achieve Net Zero through circular innovation.


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