Inclusive Design Guide

Posted on: 30/06/2022
Inclusive Design Toolkit - Diverse group of people collaboratively working together

Product Design Scotland and Innovate UK KTN partnered to create this guide which explores what inclusive design is and the practical ways in which it can be applied throughout the innovation process.

Inclusive Design Toolkit

Innovate UK KTN and Product Design Scotland just finished creating this inclusive design guide. In this guide, we explore the importance of equity, diversity, inclusion, protected characteristics and intersectionality in sectors including design.


To adopting inclusive design within your organisation, make sure to:

  1. Be empathetic
  2. Make inclusion of diverse perspectives a foundation of your product research
  3. Make assumptions explicit
  4. Prototype and test with a diverse user group
  5. Look for inclusive teams
  6. Think about the systems-level implications

Inclusive Design is not difficult but it requires intentional and respectful consideration of users and systemic effects. Often designers are not incentivised or paid to take the time required to challenge assumptions and explore the systemic effects of a product or service but this is where they can add substantial value. As you engage with Product Designers, be sure to give them room and remit to explore inclusivity – it’s sure to pay off.

Find out more

To discover more about inclusive design, visit the Product Design Scotland and email the Innovate UK KTN Design Innovation Network team.

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