Circular Economy Innovation Network – Aluminium Group Kick Off Meeting

Innovate UK KTN will be developing an Aluminium Circular Economy community over the coming years, to look at solving some of the challenges around circularity of aluminium and unlocking opportunities for UK industry while reducing the environmental impact of our current systems.

This online event will run from 10am – 12pm, with online networking opportunities via the Meeting Mojo platform running between 1pm – 3pm on the same day.

Event Details


10.00 - 12.00



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Aluminium has the potential to be one of the most circular materials in use today. Whilst the energy required to manufacture aluminium is high, to melt it and recycle it into a different product with the same properties is simple and consumes a just a fraction of the energy used to manufacture it.

Webinar recording is now available

Who this event is for?

  • Industrial end users of aluminium
  • Sorters of waste aluminium
  • Academics and research organisation with potential solutions to the challenges around circularity of aluminium
  • Processors of aluminium
  • Designers and material specification engineers
  • Robotics and machine learning providers

What to expect?

  • An introduction into this topic area
  • Plans for innovation network and how you can get involved
  • Presentations from key stakeholders including The Aluminium Federation and The Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation
  • Breakout sessions allowing delegates to provide input for each of the key themes identified
  • Wrap up and next steps

Why attend?

  • Influence the activities and the direction of the Circular Economy Innovation Network – Aluminium Group
  • Be part of a community
  • Network with individuals with a common interest
  • Find out about the plans for the coming year and how you can be involved
  • Opportunity to collaborate with stakeholders who drive innovation in this important area


  • 10:00 – Welcome and Introduction – Ajay Kapadia, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Materials | Innovate UK KTN
  • 10:10 – Aims and Objectives of the Circular Economy Innovation Network – Emma McKenna, Head of Net Zero | Innovate UK KTN
  • 10:20 – Presentations from Key Aluminium Industry Stakeholders – Tom Giddings, Executive Director, The Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (ALUPRO), Jan Lukaszewski, Technical Manager, The Aluminium Federation (ALFED), and
    Oliver Hawkins, Senior Sustainability Engineer, Jaguar Land Rover
  • 10:50 – Break
  • 11:00 – Break out sessions
  • 11:50 – Wrap up and Next Steps – Ajay Kapadia, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Materials | Innovate UK KTN
  • 12:00 – End
  • 13:00 – Virtual Networking on Meeting Mojo – delegates will be invited to upload a profile
  • 15:00 – End

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Circular Economy Innovation Network

Circular Economy Innovation Network

The Circular Economy Innovation Network aimed to enable stronger, more resilient industries working together, connecting, collaborating, and sharing experiences to achieve Net Zero through circular innovation.


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