KTN Innovate UK is delighted to be working in partnership with Glasgow City of Science and Innovation (GCOSI) to support the CAN DO Innovation Summit

Posted on: 25/01/2022

Indro Mukerjee from Innovate UK will be among global experts to address Scotland’s principal SME-focused national innovation event taking place on 23rd Feb 2022 (online).

Scotland’s national innovation summit, CAN DO Innovation Summit returns for its 3rd year with a focus on Digital Transformation & Environmental, Social and Governance value creation.

Principal Keynote speakers include:

Kate Forbes MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, Scottish Government

Indro Mukerjee, CEO Innovate UK 

Wade Davis, ex-NFL Player and D&I Educator (for Netflix, Google, Viacom and more)

Mari-Anne Chiromo, Entrepreneur and Business Growth & Effectiveness Specialist at Apple

Gayemarie Brown, Wintam Place Consulting, Forbes Top 20 Tech Futurist

40+ SME (homegrown and international) business leaders


The primary target audiences for CD22 are multi-sector start-ups and SMEs as well as leading innovators, entrepreneurs, and academics from Scotland and across the globe that can help businesses explore new opportunities that marry purpose and profitability. With a focus on community-building and peer to peer learning; more than 40 speakers will take part in the 2022 CAN DO Innovation Summit, including SME business leaders from a broad church of sectors – including energy, fintech, advanced manufacturing, agritech, ed tech, cyber security, digital skills, space, the arts and food and drink.

The 2022 iteration of the Summit will offer businesses from all sectors practical insights on how people power combined with the right tech as well as sustainable and inclusive business practices can accelerate and enable a smoother digital transformation journey.

Amy Peace, Innovation Lead – Circular Economy from Innovate UK will also be hosting the ‘Climate Action: Are SMEs the missing link in tackling climate change?’ panel session, sponsored by KTN Innovate UK, which will also feature Dr Steve Welch, Director of Ideas at KTN Innovate UK. And Abigail Hird, Acting Head of Design & Design Innovation Network Lead at KTN will host KTN Innovate UK’s panel;  ‘The New ROI: Return on Inclusion’. Other sessions at the Summit can be viewed here.


Early Bird rates of £25.00 + VAT are available for a limited time only.  Register here.

If businesses are keen to attend the Summit but the cost would prevent them, they can email our team and we will get them access.

For more information on the event please visit: www.candoinnovation.scot

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