Sim4CAMSens Develops UK Supply Chain to Enhance Modelling, Simulation, and Testing for Autonomous Vehicle Sensors.
About the project
An exciting project focussed on developing and maturing the simulation, modelling and physical testing supply chain for UK-centric CAM perception sensor and systems developers.
Sim4CAMSens will build a UK supply chain that will advance the quality of modelling, simulation, test and characterisation capability in the UK to accelerate and de-risk the design, development, validation and usage of perception systems sensors and algorithms for automated driving functions. The project will create clear links between the tools, methodologies, standards and safety cases. With state-of-the-art modelling and simulation environments, Sim4CAMSens will deliver much needed synthetic training data of suitable quality for the training of AI systems used in autonomous vehicles.
We are bringing together an expert, world-class consortium of partners to support the development of an emerging UK-based perception sensors and systems industry by accelerating the development of perception sensors for assisted and automated driving functions
There is a nascent perception sensor design and development industry in the UK, with the potential to challenge global innovation with the right investment and coordination. In parallel, the UK has developed outstanding modelling, simulation and testing capabilities for automated vehicle systems through previous Innovate UK supported projects as well as continued industry investment.
We see a major opportunity for the UK by bringing these two worlds together to create a globally competitive sensor design, development, modelling, simulation and testing supply chain.
The supply chain will focus on the specific use case of the development and testing of three sensor technologies within the virtual and physical test framework: 1\. RADAR (Oxford RF, Claytex), 2\. Camera technology (rFpro), 3\. LiDAR development (CSAC, Claytex).
Project Partners
- Claytex Services Limited
- Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult Limited
- NPL Management Limited
- Oxford RF Solutions Ltd
- RFPRO Limited
- Techworkshub Ltd
- University of Warwick